Civilization V Exe 0xc0000142 Dll

Civilization V Exe 0xc0000142 Dll

Macrotis: A Mother's Journey is not responding or macrotis.exe has stopped working - macrotis.exe crash to desktop Macrotis: A Mother's Journey Fix missing files - UnityPlayer.dll or AkSoundEngine.dll and steam_api64.dll or mono.dll and Mono.Security.dll or mscorlib.dll.

How To Fix 'Application Error 0xc0000142' The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142). Click OK to close the application. Windows applications sometimes fail to load. It’ll not tell you, it will instead show a generic and pointless “Application Error” message. The only thing you can do here is close the application and search on the Internet for that cryptic error code. And maybe it’s the reason why you are seeing this tutorial.

The problem Windows tells you that the application was unable to start. You can try a hundred times, but the error does not solve itself magically, because it’s not casual.

The problem is that the DLL that launches the application is unsigned or digitally no longer valid. And it’s not up to you, maybe you just downloaded the program from the official site. The solution 1)Go to Run and type Regedit and hit enter.

2)Now you are into windows registry so be careful don't just play with it, now go to the following address: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Windows AppInit_Dlls 3)Double click LoadAppInit_DLLs and change the value from 1 to 0. 4)Click OK to confirm and exit. Now launch the compromised program and it’ll start. Note: some applications may change that value back to 1 after they get launched!

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If above doesn't work for you then try this: To solve this problem, we needed to use an advanced Windows Sysinternals Tool called Autoruns for Windows: Launch the program and look for the following tab: AppInit. This will basically tell you if a dll is unsigned or digitally no longer valid on your computer. All you have to do is rename each dll listed, one at a time and launch the product to determine the problematic dll. Thanks for watching guys, please subscribe to how to channel for more tutorials:).

Hi, Thank you for posting your question on the Microsoft community forums. I understand that while you are playing the game Civilization V it crashes randomly. It would help to diagnose the issue if you can post the Event Viewer logs that generated at the time of the crash. To access the Event Viewer follow these steps. A) Press Windows+X. B) Select Event Viewer from the menu.

C) Scroll the list and copy the logs when the crash occurred. We will research on the logs and provide methods to fix the issue. Vinod Archak Forum Moderator. I'm having the same issue. This the Windows 8 installed is OEM and this is the first application that I'd loaded.

I have plenty of additional error logs if needed. Thanks for looking at the issue.


Civilization V Exe 0xc0000142 Dll
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